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    A Collection Of The Top Artists And Best Art We Can Find

    Entries in thunderbird motel (1)


    Alessio Chiavon 'Thunderbird Motel' Print Available


    Here is a cool print called 'Thunderbird Motel' by artist Alessio Chiavon. This is a 3 colour 50 x 70cm mixed media screen print with 2 additonal colours hand applied on 250GSM Shiro white paper with an edition size of 19, comes signed and numbered by the artist for €190 each.

    "Inspired from my recent snowboard trip to Alaska, Thunderbird Motel is the first print of a new body of work entitled "Floating Memories" and based on my travels aroud the world. "Making of" Thunderbird Motel
    This is a 3 colour screen print (blue, red & black) plus 2 hand painted colors (sky blue, yellow) plus various acrylics and spray painted hand embellishments. This process gives as result unique art prints with no-replicable features." Alessio

    Check it out HERE